If you’re financing a car, your lender will require you to have full coverage insurance as a condition of the loan. Full coverage is not a specific type of insurance coverage but rather a combination of coverages:
- Liability (pays for injuries and damage you cause to others)
- Comprehensive (pays to replace or repair your vehicle if it's stolen or damaged in an incident that's not a collision)
- Collision (pays repair or replace your car if it's damaged in an accident with another vehicle or object) If you’re financing a car, your lender will require you to have full coverage insurance as a condition of the loan.
Other scenarios where Full Coverage is not mandatory but makes sense to have:
- If you own your vehicle outright and it's very expensive to replace in the event of a total loss accident.
- If you own your vehicle outright and it's very expensive to repair in the event you are in an accident and are found at fault or partially at fault.
If you'd like to add any of the above coverages to your policy you can do so by answering a few basic questions here, after that our Care Team will take it from there.
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