You should exchange information with the other driver. Get his or her name, address, and insurance company’s name and phone number. This information is on the proof-of-insurance card. If you can’t get this information, write down his or her driver’s license number and license plate number to give to your insurance company. Share the same information about yourself with the other driver. You should also collect the following information:
- The other car’s make, model, year, and license plate number.
- Witnesses’ names and contact information.
- The name, badge number, and contact information of the officer who comes to the accident. Ask the officer when and where to get the accident report and accident report number, your claims adjuster will need this.
- The time, date, and exact location of the accident, with notes of skid marks, weather, and road conditions. Take a photo or sketch a diagram of the accident scene.
Photographs of any damage to your vehicle or any other vehicle involved in the accident
LOOP Blog Post: Everything You Need To Know About Car Insurance Claims
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